Jonathan is one of our firm's more recent additions, and it has been fascinating to learn more about what makes him tick.
Q: What influenced you in making the decision to become a lawyer?
A: The biggest influence was when I worked in a legal aid public interest law office in Annapolis, Maryland. That happened one summer while I was attending St. John’s College. The lawyers to whom I reported asked me to do research in the courthouse library. I also sat in on interviews with clients, keyed in legal documents, and ran errands for sandwiches and iced tea at lunchtime. It was clearly apparent that the lawyers liked what they did, and so did I. They encouraged me to apply to law school. I applied after graduation following a year of working for a Maine coastal newspaper printing operation.
Q: What brought you to Texas?
A: My brother was a musician, starting his nearly 40-year career in Dallas as the 1st French horn of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. He convinced my wife and me to pack up the dog, the cat, and everything else, and move to Texas to attend S.M.U. Dedman School of Law. We have been here ever since.
Q: Please tell us some of your career highlights and recent wins.
A: Law has gifted me with a diverse career with diverse experiences. I enjoyed first-chair courtroom experience, starting a law practice straight out of school, then doing big company tech transaction work, public and private corporate executive experience, private equity & venture investment, and international general counsel experience. It has allowed me to work with committed, interesting business people as clients and colleagues at all levels of the business hierarchy. In corporate work, I hired and worked with smart, capable, and ethical lawyers. They taught me so much. Law also gave me an opening into the technology world at a time when computer technologies were new to both the consumer and the legal tech markets. Today computers and artificial intelligence are key tools in my everyday and work life. Solving new and emerging legal problems has been a constant factor in enjoying my work. Finally, law put an international stamp on things, with exposure to different languages, business cultures, and legal systems. This means having trusted friends and professional contacts all over the world.
The most recent career win is to be invited to join Fulton|Jeang, and what a positive experience that has been. Fulton|Jeang is a dynamic young firm, an opportunity to work with fine clients and lawyers.
Q: Why does Fulton Jeang’s virtual business model suit your practice and lifestyle? What do your clients think about Fulton Jeang’s virtual business model?
A: Fulton|Jeang’s business model is familiar and comfortable. Our clients understand it completely. They appreciate the lower costs that come from flat structure and low infrastructure costs, especially because our quality service is not affected by lower costs.
This is the same law practice model I have worked in since a re-entry into private practice from the corporate world in 2008. Even before that, the lawyers in my first, start-up law firm were using desktop and portable computers in the office and at home. Technical innovation was second nature to the practice. With Zoom, Teams, collaborative presentation software, etc., it’s now normal to work with people all over the world from a dedicated office at home or anywhere. COVID was and is a serious global and family health issue, but it was not a workplace issue for me because of this practice model. Remote offices aren’t remote anymore. Where I am, that is where I am working.
Q: What are your sweet spots for client/legal issues you love to work on or that you have expertise in?
A: Large or small, a business with a motivated, focused founder is the sweet spot for me. It is a joy to experience. It is especially fun and valuable to work “on the business” and not just “in the business.” The strategic view that comes with so many tech and other business experiences helps me be good at it. My past experiences as an executive, tech investment managing director, and tech company line manager help me to see ahead and sometimes around corners. Together, the client and I will anticipate risk and meet trouble as it sometimes, but inevitably, comes. Even better, there’s nothing like overcoming adversity with a dedicated team on your side. And, finally, the biggest joy in legal work is having satisfied clients, large and small, who know we’ve done our best together and beat back big challenges that faced their businesses.
Learn more about Jonathan's legal expertise at his web bio.